Activist is a family business that works prolifically with natural resources, not only natural resources but ones with an origin from New Zealand; which is the founders' larger playground and one which they have a deeper understanding with. The ability to build a brand with limited industrial impact was something that was very important to Activist. In essence, Activist is simply letting Mother Nature, the seasonal cycles, symbiotic relationships, and microclimates, cultivate the basis of their products. Activist's role is to present these to the world in their highest and unadulterated form with as little human interference and corporate shortcomings as possible.

Activist is a Mānuka Honey company founded by wife and husband, Gabrielle Mirkin and Luke Harwood. Both shared passion for the earth and natural products can be traced to their childhoods in New Zealand.

Luke’s love for surfing and the native coastal land of New Zealand led him to understand the important role bees play as environmental indicators and was the founding catalyst for Activist. Gabrielle’s time in New York City working as an Art Director at US Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar led to a slowdown and the pursuit of new interests outside of the fast-paced world of fashion publications. Gabrielle’s love for radiant health, natural healing therapies, and food from the earth in its purest state was a central driver for the development of Activist.